Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Would you be upset if your family treated you this way?

I live 2 hours away from my family and for the last 5 years they may have come and visited me a handful of times. Every time they want together, they want me to drive down there. I have tried getting them to come and visit me and they always use really lame excuses. So here in a couple of weeks I was going to have my son christened of dedicated, depending on what you call it and I decided to change the date an uninvite them. Well technically not uninvite just not tell them when we reschedule it. I am so sick of them never wanting to be a part of his life that I want them to know exactly how it feels to get left out of something. My mom calls and ask what size clothes my son wore, well she makes an effort to see the other grand kids 2 to 4 times a week, but can't even bother to come up here once every two or 3 months. So I never called her back and told her, I figured well if she made an effort to be around him then she would know. Do you think I am wrong acting this way?

Why aren't My Hens Sitting on their Eggs?

Last Year of Spring,I ordered 6 hens and 2 Roosters. Well one Rooster, I separated from the other. Because I was going to Show Him. Well The main Rooster that is with his Ladies has been doing his job. I have a Hen house in my pen. why aren't they sitting on them??? I have given them Oyster shells, Scratch Feed( Everyday), and Laying Mash( Everyday). Please Help!!! Also, their Rode Island Reds!!!

What is a song comparable to "Higher State" by Bailey featuring Jodie Connor?

I am looking for a song that has a similar chill, trance beat and female voice over as "Higher State" or "Stereo Love"

CALLING ALL MEN do you find this attractive?

That's about the most muscle in a woman I would like. I think if they start to go past that they are going to start losing some of their feminine characteristics.

My duck has been missing for the past week and a bit! Help!?

Your duck could be alive & well but it's prob not. If you let fowl wander this is what can happen. I assume your family is well aware of this. Keep them in secured pens if you don't want to lose them. That's about all there is to it.

Where to go clubbing with VIP lounge?

Planning a classy hen do for my friend, she just wants to go clubbing, somewhere classy with up to date music, no cheese!!!! I want to arrange it somewhere with a good VIP area in Surrey, may consider London depending on cost of getting into club.

Is he using me or something?

I have a boyfriend, we've been going out for 1 month and a bit. And hes the flirty type, people call him a player and stuff. But latley hes been lying to me. Like last night he said he was going out with his parents, and then i found out from a friend of is on facebook that hes going to his ex girlfriends party! I was soo mad at him. But the thing is he hates my best mate tiffany, hes always calling her a slag and stuff, even tho they used to be close friends, but he always talks behind her back and stuff, and he says that she chats a lot of s.h.i.t when tiffany hadn't even spoke! And last night he wrote on his facebook sayin "i love you jodie smith" and then like an hour ago today he deleted the post and i was supposed to be coming round his today cause he said come round whenever, and then he texted me at 5pm saying "you haven't turned up to mine, so im going out with my mates" even tho he said come round whenever! I'm so mad at him. He keeps lying to me and he's acting really strange. What do you lot think of this?

Ratio Questions (Help)?

Three Sheep Shearers, chris, jodie & kelly are paid on the basis of how much time they spent shearing. If the ratio of the time they spent shearing on one day was 2:4:3, how much should each shearer be paid, if they earned $630 in total ?

Would I fit into kids clothes?

I'm 14 and depending on the store I'm either a size zero or a size three and I'm competing in a pageant in the fall (first one) so could I fit into child sizes if so what size?

Why do Jodie Meeks, Wesley Mathews and Wilson Chandler hit threes on Jermaine Stewart so easily in 2k11?

Is he really that bad in 2k11? Are the player ratings accurate? Do the TV settings have anything to do with it? Please help. Thanks.

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

Am im being too mean? please read?

me and my husband live with his father because he cant live by himself so were living with him, my husband told me it is just temporary and it has been a year so far. his father pays the gas, electricity ,the cable and he gives 300 a months for food my husband just pays rent. the problem is that he is messy and nasty he would go to the bathroom and never wash his hands , we have to make him food or else he doesn't eat. when my husband goes out he always ask me hen is he coming where is he like if my husband was a little boy. and just now i made me and my husband food and when i was eating my husband was like '' so you make food for us but not for my dad''.. i got so mad that i went to the bedroom and told him to sleep on the plaining on telling him that im leaving to a shelter with our baby

Do you agree with this statement by Obama?

Ummmmm Is this all one quote by Obama? what part of this is Obama's statement and which part is yours.

What did my orthodontist mean?

Well you mentioned a gap. I think when you say that you love the way they look and are completely satiafied with them, then he will take them off. Eith you or him will need to be satisfied with the overall job! Good luck.. Sounds like you only a little more time left!!! YAY!!!

Imagine if they did a Starrk vs. Kyoraku rematch?

im asking if ok so you dont have to attack me.So who do you think would win depending on how they fight.I think if they did a rematch it would be a quickdraw & the fight would be completely one-sided or they just went all-out & use all their powers it would be fair.

Do you think this is a bad idea??????????? HELP!?

OK. i took my summer quarter final exam a week ago. I don't think I did well. Professor told the class that he will have the grades in by the end of this week. He says he is going to grade on curve so if the entire class did bad, it's going to help us. I think I did not too terribly but there's chance that depending on other students, that I might have a terribel grade, D or F. because I'm not sure how I did... So... should I go talk to the professor tomorrow before he turns in the grades and ask him for advice how I can improve on the future test? (I'm currently taking his 2nd course too). and get some advice on studying tips and ask him how I did on the final? Or do you think this will look shady, he will see me as opportunistic kid because I never talked to him privately or after class before... Pleae let me know!! Thanks!!

Opinions and Advice on this issue. *10 Pts*?

sometimes guys are hard to talk to about certain things...and i think that this is probably one of those things. the only thing i can really suggest is sitting him down and telling him exactly how you feel...but try telling him in a way where it involves him more than it does you. tell him that you don't think that it's right that this chick is living in a house that he bought and using cars that he bought and even spending his money! especially since they aren't even together anymore. ask him why it doesn't bother him that she does this. maybe explain that if he had his stuff back that maybe you guys could start a life together and move into the house and have money to live off of so it's not so hard supporting yourself and him. i know i would be very upset. i know i didn't really have too much to say but i do hope that when you talk to him, it goes well. good luck hun :)

Disputing garage bill without going to Court?

The answer would be no there is little you can do since you have kinda let yourself be at their mercy its that old saying of closing the door once the horse has bolted the only thing you can do is not let them do the work if the price is too high but if I get what your saying right the garage has already completed some work you will have to pay for this as you were not forced but chose to leave your car with the garage you need to get a written quotation from them on any more work that they say needs doing but not agree to it until you have more quotes for price comparison

How do we change a stupid law?

Today the squatters in my Mobile Home lied to the cops by saying they have never gotten an eviction paper from me. One delivered by the County cops, two hand delivered by my son and one I mailed to them. So now I have to take her to court to legally evict them. The stupid law protects terrible people like this family that take advantage of unsuspecting people who try to help out. There has to be a better way to get people out of my trailer. I think this law that says a friend can come stay with you for a week sleeping on the couch or even the floor. After one week that person is actually, legally a tenant and has every right in the home as the guys who pays the bills. Any suggestions on who to write to or e mail or call. And guess what, I end up with having to pay all her utility bills because she is on SSD and I am not allowed to sue her. Bills are already nearly 700 dollars and she could be there several more months depending how fast the Judge will be. Thanks.

Looking for a movie title..thinking Jodie Foster or Drew Barrymore starred in it?

My mom is looking for a movie title. She thinks either Jodie Foster or Drew Barrymore star in it. She became a famous author and is traveling back to her hometown with her college age son to get her ex-husband to sign some papers so the book can be published. There are flashbacks of her life throughout the movie as she is traveling. The son talks to his girlfriend throughout the trip and is afraid to tell his mom that they are moving in together.

This is so gross ! Why do people do this ?

Their was a question on here and it said that its good notto wear underwear! Thats gross and all the comments wear about how you shouldnt wear underwear ! They said its better for ur vagina to "breath" ? I get what they mean but isnt that wrong ? They make underwear for a reason! And it said u shouldnt wear denim jeans without underwear bu hen what are you suppose to not wear without it like a skirt ? THATS DISCUSTING ! someone please explain i find this ..... Gross does anyone else ?

What would you do in my situation? please help?

there is this guy that lives 4 houses away from mine. when i first met him, he was very polite and even though he asked for my number he didn't hound me like most guys in my neighborhood do. hen i would refuse to give him my number he would just say thats alright and go his own way. well one day i gave him my number and we started texting (i usually initiate the texts). after some times i started thinking about him alot romantically but he never asked me out. one day i saw him on the way back home and he asked for a hug after we hugged i was leaning away and his lips brushed mine and we ended up kissing. the problem is, i didn't feel any spark at all, it was actually just weired (nothing like the kisses i had shared with my ex or other guys before). now i don't know what to do about him. should i stop seeing him or just tell him. the truth is, i don't feel any emotions for him more butterflies or anything of that sort. is this normal. i am so confused. if you were in my shoes what would you do. i am 19 if that counts and a die hard romantic.

HELP! have I killed my budgie eggs? EASY 10 POINTS!?

I doubt you killed them but you need to contact a local breeder and ask them many questions before you start breeding parrots.

The Pact Jodie Picault?

Have you read this novel? Do you think Chis killed Emily? Do you think he had a choice? I usually like her books, I enjoyed this one, but found the murder/suicide difficult to believe?

Why shouldn't anybody despise men?

Although your point can be seen from a agreeable perspective, believe it or not, not all men are complete failures. There are some men in this world that make a point to strive from the rest to accomplish many goals in this world. For example, many guys enjoy the typical "im gonna treat a girl like ****" attitude... but the fact of the matter is, not ALL guys are like that. Some men work hard to stand tall and apart from others. Whether being a loving, supportive friend or lover, or a strong willed veteran to their country. The fact of the matter is, just because most guys give you a reason to give up, dont throw in the towel just yet. You just need to find the right guy in your life. He's out there. I promise you that. Just give it some time, and have faith. 5% of us do care very very much, and work hard to be different from the rest :)

Questions about Linux?

Does Linux get viruses and does it limit what I can download? I realize some OS will be better depending on what you want it for but what are the best open source operating systems in general for general uses?

I'm looking for a manga . What manga is this?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Chickens with lice help!!?

I picked some hens up recently and have discovered they are riddled with lice! Ive been treating them with louse powder and red mite powder but am getting nowhere! WHat am I doing wrong? Also would the lice stop them laying? (they only have the yellow lice not red mite just using that powder as a preventative) Is there an easier way to get rid of the lice than the powder?? Im in the uk and have 5 hens. Many thanks

What do you think of UK music ( links included)?

It's the same as all the other music in the world. Some people like it, some don't. I know some of those songs. Anyone from any country could have done that. That's the cool thing about music aye, anyone can like anything, it means different things for different people. I like that music. It's alright

How much are male strippers?

I want to get a male stripper for a hen party but just want to know how much roughly they are if anyone knows??

Are my eggs fertile and is there any chick inside?

The half dark will be your developing eggs. The clears are usually the no hatch eggs but I would give it another week or two & candle again. I`d say you have four that will hatch and the four clears will not.. but give it a lil more time to be sure, then remove clears. It won`t hurt a thing. How to tell if an egg is fertile in general.- You can tell when an egg is fertile beforehand. If you crack one in the skillet and it has a bulls-eye; a white circle with a white dot in the center of the yolk- it is fertile. Good Luck with your hatch!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

So all these people are going to hell?

I'll be happy to party with all of those people in Hell. However, that nasty little beast Frankie Boyle can go to Heaven - we don't want his kind!

Please help in breading BUDGIES in AVIARY?? easy 10 points!?

handle them more when they start moving around and most likely they will be untamed most breeders hand feed the babies and that is why they are use to human contact. Never give up just have patients and keep trying.

Dating man that is separated?

Husband died 3 years ago and been dating but The man I really want to be with is separated. I waited a while to be with him after husband died. He knew my husband before he died I've known them for about 9 years. He is not with his with she lives in a different house. She knows we see each other. They have 2 children together and they do need to spend time together to talk about the kids. I've even sat for them when they have gone out together. There is no chance they are getting back together, The only reason they are only separated is finances his kids are Autistic and he wants to take care of them. He spends a lot of time with his son. And his daughter as well which means he has to spend time with his wife. and not as much time with me. I understand his situation he can only spend so much time with me. We see each other couple times during the week. depending one school and activities. during summer. Most weekends he is doing something with his son. I am lonely sometimes and he tries to make it up to me by about once a month he spends couple days with me. Kid free. But I feel guilty because he does this usually after I say I wish he could spend more time with me. I was married to the same man for 25 years so dating has changed for me. And this person has been a friend for 9 years. When husband died he just never left me. I am free and I can date whomever I want but I really just want to be with him. Am I crazy to stay in this situation or should I move on?

A question about Detective Conan...?

I'm confused about Jodie-sensei. Does she realize that Conan is actually Shin'ichi, or not? If so, how does she know? Same thing with Haibara.

Maplestory, information on todays sp reset?

well basicly all of us are gonna get sp reset scrolls today,depends when u log in.anyways u can keep them in ur inventory for 3 days until they expire, so u can use them whenever.Im a level 69 brawler so i need one more level to get my 3rd job.i was wondering if when i level up and i use my sp reset scroll if i can use my pirate skill points(1st job) on my 3rd job since i don't use most of my pirate skills and i can max out all my 3rd job skills.soooooooo yea can i? lol

Solos (for women), duets, group #s from recent Broadway?

I have a generally low register but I am not usually comfortable singing men's parts. But of course that depends. My theater does a variety show and I would like to know some solos (for me, a girl) duets, or group numbers (ALL WELCOME!) for our show. So any of that, and as for the solos, they can be originally guy's solos but please make sure they will be suitable and normal, even if they are sung by a girl. Thanks in advance!

Do you think i could be pregnant?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

Can a hen hatch chicks outside in garden in small coop?

I agree with the other two responses. 4 days is a little too early for you too really notice. Now assuming that they are fertile, you should see the outlining a small little chick when you check again on day 10. If you don't see anything by that time they are duds and will not hatch so discard them. Also mark the eggs that are under you broody hens, chances are if you have other egg laying hens they will try to lay their eggs in that spot. So everyday check and remove any that added. I've had 5 hens that have hatched their chicks out side one hatched it under the stairs and the rest inside of the coop. You wanna make sure that the place that she is brooding is protect from the elements. The chicks will hatch on day 20-22.

My mums having a baby and we were just wondering...?

my mums having a baby girl named Nadine-Jodie or Nadine-__[Nadine-'Something'] and we were just wondering does it have to be a hyphenate or can it be an apostrophe?

My brother and his girlfriend spanked me?

wow i think ur brothers girlfriend should not hit u i only think ur brother should have hit u, and your kinda and kinda not young to have a boyfriend i would say that ur boyfriend havin his hand on ur butt is to far

Should I die..............???!!?

This must hurt, but no one is a mistake. If you love this guy tell him, I know it's hard, but you need to let him know your there. The girl he likes, most guys like girls for a little while until they find their true love, for all you know you could be that person. Believe in yourself.

Whats wrong with my rooster (if anything)?

I have 2 roosters in my coop, and one is being mean. It is mean to the other one (even if its not doing anything) but only a little. It is also biting the neck of a hen, is he just trying to establish a pecking order, or trying to mate with the hen, or both?

PLEASE HELP? Guy problem!?

I hate to say this, but I've done this to girls as well. I just did so I could keep my options open, and if I ever got bored of the girl I was dating I could just move on to her friend. Which did end up happening, and then I ended up just using girl #2 for sex while lying about how much I loved her and how much she meant to me. This may not be the same with you, since I was only about 15 around the time. However I've grown up alot since then and now I'm not a dbag. Personally I'd move on but chances are you won't, so I would say the thing about how he can't keep doing this. Then again when I was dating the one girl she kept saying that but she still stayed, so im really not sure.

How do I get over him?

he doesn't want you and you should have told your girl about conner earlier....move forward and find a better guy who will value a friendship better.

Budgie breeding help ASAP!?

if got an aviary and 3 pairs of budgie i have colony boxes for 2 pair in the flight and one pair in a breeding cage in the aviary outside of the flight with a breeding box inside i have been watching the hen go in and out of the nest box and move the shavings around and i have seen the male in their once they have been in the breeding cage toghther for 5 days and but they were alredy paired up they have all of the right things to mate and how do i know when they will lay eggs or even mate or any other info please?

Just finished my fantasy draft in NBA 2K11, what would you rate my team and explain why?

Great team! U got your MVP, DRose. U have a lights out three point shooter (Allen) and a double double machine in Kevin Love. U got decent defense men in Affalo and Jefferson. I would give it an 8.5/10

How would you describe this woman in three words?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Do i have thrush.. should i tell him?

Get yourself some over the counter treatment that includes the oral tablet fluconazole and some topical clotrimazole cream. Your boyfriend will also need to treat himself with cream. He may or may not have infected you but if you had it then, he may well have got it anyway. Men don't usually get symptoms but they can certainly transmit it back to you. Thrush is not a sexually transmitted disease so don't be embarassed about telling him.

What are some of the best non smart phones for AT&T?

I'm on the ATT site trying to renew my contract. I can't afford a data plan and they said you can only get a smart phone if you have one. So what's the best non smart phone out right now. I know it depends but I have no idea where to start looking and don't know much about phones so if I could just get some suggestions. Price isn't really an option since I'm starting a new contract most of the phones are free a real cheap. Thanks

How large do mini golden retirevers?

I don't trust any breeder who can't spell proportionate. Haha "preportionate". No. Mini Goldens are a scam.

Breastfeeding mom in need of help?

I am breastfeeding a 2 month old baby. My milk supply is very low. In the mornings i can pump 2oz from both breast after that through out the day hen i pump if I'm lucky i'Ll pump 1oz from both. Does anyone know what i can do to increase my supply. I've heard of some milkshakes that i can drink. Does anyone know of any? Or anything to help my increase.

Do wet hens really get mad?

if your Scottish and as women there are called hens then yes i expect they would be if getting wet,wouldn't you?

I dont know how I should feel or what I should do PLEASE HELP?!!!!?

(LONG BUT COPE WITH ME) My grandma had been sick 4 sometime. Dr finally found out wat was wrong & had back surgery. My oldest aunt is the one who always took my grandma to the dr appointments. since I am currently unemployed (by choice). I have decided to go along with them to dr appointments. I was once a translator for drs & patients for after hr services. my aunt thought it would be a good idea if i started to come to all the appt. i didnt mind i like helping my grandma & anyone who needs translating. by the time of my gmas surgery they needed someone who spoke english&knew my gmas med hitory. all my aunts & uncles & my grandpa dont speak english. and my grandma is 82 & illiterate. so i said i can go in with her. i was with her for about 3 hrs translating, signing papers and explaining things to my gma. was with her in preop room.saw her go in the operating room. surgeon called me on cell to let me know how everything went when surgery was over etc. ive been following up with the drs. i am practically the only person who knows dr names and her rx info. there were some complications in my gmas surgery & in order to save her life they had to put in a IVC filter. i explained to my gma and she said its fine sweety sign...i did. everything was a success! I noticed my uncle the youngest of my gmas children started acting distant & stopped talking to me. today he came to my house being quiet and ok... then out of nowhere... he starts telling my aunt and my mom that they should have someone responsible making decisions for their mother! my mom got mad since im her daughter & was like no one is making decisions for mom she is. he said no! one of you guys should be taking care of her.... not someone who is going to change their mind and not be responsible. i said your talking about me and i dont make decisions for my grandma i explain things to her she decides 4 herself... he was like no you make decisions for her. tell her what she needs and what she has to do. it got heated up he started calling names & pointing fingers.i honestly only tell my grandma what the doctors tell her to do... which is to walk & not be laying down all the time because she needs the exercise.i tell her to eat because she doesn't really eat. i tell her to wear her back brace. etc. my gma doesnt want to she says shes too weak still ITS BEEN OVER A MONTH... she refuses to do any exercises complains about pains & doesnt want to leave the house without her wheelchair. BUT she tells my uncles & doctors she feels no pain at all that shes fine now & exercises & lies pretty much. i tell her doctors what she tells me.dr said its common her old age scared of getting sent back to hospital but they have ordered transportation for her so she doesnt get up from wheel chair when going to dr appts & i dont drive so its easier for me to go w/her & not depend on anyone giving us a ride. he volunteered (my uncle)to help her & encourage her to walk by coming over every day. something he hasnt done i told him he can but that the physical therapist was going to start coming soon bcus thats something the surgeon ordered in home physical therapy. ANYWAY he offended me said i am not responsible too young (23) and that i change my mind a lot about things &that im really a nobody to be taking care of his mother or making decisions for her. and that one of my grandmas daughters should be doing all of what i am doing instead of me. because im not reliable & he doesnt trust me. he yelled said bad words. called my aunt & mom names. i told him that i only tell the drs what she says but he wouldnt listen he said he would perfer my grandma to be at my other cousins house. & we all know that cousin doesnt want my gma at her house but he doesnt understand that. my mom told him that if he doesnt like me doing everything i do why doesnt he take care of her. he said he cant and blah blah it all lasted 2 hours of yelling,, screaming. & my gma defended him said we shouldnt upset her son he gets mad quick that we attacked him. he said he was never coming over to any of our houses anymore... it was crazy! my question is if he comes over... how should i act? what should i tell him? he has done other ****** up things to me & talked **** about me & my dad and mom before. but this! i mean come on!!! should i never speak to him again? should i be ok & not take it personal he is her son..wouldn't anyone else be kind of thankful im doing all of this? even my gmas social worker said shes surprised no one else knows anything about my grandma & that she likes dealing with me. I feel sad...angry...disappointed and offended. what would you guys do in my shoes? i feel so unwanted by him and kind of by some of my other aunts& cousins because im closest to my gma. he thinks im not responsible because he has seen me get drunk in the past and i like to go on long weekends... but i swear even on long weekends i call her drs. even the bf thinks i worry to much...HELP ME sorry it was very

Should I say something to my mom, or leave her alone?

My parents are in the process of divorce and I live with my mom. My dad cheated on her with this young woman at his office and told her to either accept it or leave (they used fight really loudly) so she left. My mom is a totally different person now than she was like 4 months ago. She used to be really quiet and meek and she totally depended on my dad. I don't think he was expecting her to leave. This may sound mean, but my mom was kind of what most people would call weak and now, its like wow, but some things about her are really starting to bother me. She's going out a lot, bringing home all kinds of guys, she just a bought a bike (motorcycle), and it seems like every time I see her there's a new tattoo or piercing. Its like she's not my mom anymore and its starting to scare me. I know she's hurting though. I mean, my parents' marriage was quite sad. Its like my dad was a dictator to her and now she has her freedom, but like I said she's scaring me. I know she's having her fun now and I don't want to wreck that, but should I say something or just let her go nuts?

Is he just using me or something?

I have a boyfriend, we've been going out for 1 month and a bit. And hes the flirty type, people call him a player and stuff. But latley hes been lying to me. Like last night he said he was going out with his parents, and then i found out from a friend of is on facebook that hes going to his ex girlfriends party! I was soo mad at him. But the thing is he hates my best mate tiffany, hes always calling her a slag and stuff, even tho they used to be close friends, but he always talks behind her back and stuff, and he says that she chats a lot of s.h.i.t when tiffany hadn't even spoke! And last night he wrote on his facebook sayin "i love you jodie smith" and then like an hour ago today he deleted the post and i was supposed to be coming round his today cause he said come round whenever, and then he texted me at 5pm saying "you haven't turned up to mine, so im going out with my mates" even tho he said come round whenever! I'm so mad at him. He keeps lying to me and he's acting really strange. What do you lot think of this?

Would I be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery?

I am 25, 5'4, 128 and 34dd. I know it depends on my insurance, but does this sound like acceptable measurements to be a good candidate for the surgery to be covered?

Monday, July 18, 2011

What's the name of that movie!?

I can't think of it.. It's like a woman and her daughter live in a home and the woman works for the government they would have satellites that watch people in their homes (kinda like big brother thing) and people are after her or whatever. I thought the actress was Jodie Foster, but I guess not. trying to find that movie

Which of te following girl names do you like best?

Meredith is pretty :) Ainsley and Sophie are decent. The rest are a little too "out there"/made-up for my taste. Jodie and Leslie sound kind of old-fashioned.

Help me,am i bulimic?

ive thrown up like, 11 times hen ive messed up on my diet. my 13, 5'2" and 83 pounds. i ill throw up till bile comes out. i just feel so fat!!

Is this a good first chapter for the book I'm writing? Please read?!?

Jeez, some of your comments are kinda harsh!!! i loved it and have already read part two and three!!! you have a talent dude!!

Why do my shins hurt?

In December I started having pain in my shins when I ran. I went to the doctor who said it was going to develop into stress fractures if I didn't take time off. I don't run much though so it seems odd to me that it would be stress fractures. I took about two months off and I was fine when I ran occasionally but a few weeks ago I started running more often and I am feeling pain again. Sometimes it hurts the next day hen I walk. Is this stress fractures or shin splints? And how can I treat it?

Can you tell me about a capsule endoscopy please?

I'm 13 and might be getting a capsule endoscopy soon depending on the results of my latest test. My doctor I need to take the same prep as the colonoscopy and upper GI endoscopy that I had but thats about all that I know about it. What are some tips? Can you tell me how the proceedure works? Thank you :)

How fast should I expect to lose weight?

I have a 38" stomach and have started working out with alot of crunches and ab centric exercises. I exercise 30 minutes to 2 hours a day. I've stopped drinking soda, and I've been able to control my eating alittle better than in the past (some days I eat about half what I used to, others I heat 3/4's. Depends how bad cravings are). How fast should I expect to see results with this regement?

Does he still have feeling for me? Please answer. I don't know what will happen please answer!!!!?

Me and this guy are great friends, we talk a lot at school and when we carpool to a competition. I could tell that he liked me because he would try to hold back a smile when I look at him and he teases me not in a hurtful way. His brother is more immature so I naturally talk to his brother more but hens very serious and stuff. I like him too. Then after school ended I still saw him a meets and practice And we carpooled a few times but he started to become more natural or calm when I'm around. I think that boys are more nervous around girls they like but they are just normal when they are just their friend. he started acting less nervous around me and we just talk like normal friends. I still have a crush on him but what's happening? Why is he acting different around me now and does he still like me?

How tall should you be to be a leading male on the west end?

I am 17 and am 5"7. I really want to be on the west end, and hopefully be a lead role but I just want to know if I'll be too short and what sort of height should a lead male be? I know it'll depend on the character you play but lets just say the standard male like fiyero from wicked, or melchior from spring awakening.

What is included in a meet and Greet with an artist? and what exactly is it?

Just woundering because i won virgin mobiles contest for Katy Perry Tickets and a Meet and Greet with her and I was woundering like it says what does it all included besides meeting the artist is there like special party or gift bags or does it depend?

Heating for leopard gecko ?

A lot of people say just an under aquarium heater and some say a basking light and hen i went to look around petsmart today some start kits had lights and some had under heaters. I'd rather just go with an under cage heater but is this all I need?

How to respond to someone who says, "I'll pray for you"?

memorize a **** load of different religion's god's names, and say, "To which god?" and start listing them off.

Was John Hinckley the dumbest would be assassin ever?

Did he really think shooting Reagan would impress Jodie Foster and she'd start dating him? And wasn't it obvious to everyone that she was lesbian anyway or did that come later?

I wana know what is depend guess how much cost for the Tattoo portrait of 2 my kids!?

I m define have already 7th tattoos so it ll go be 8th soon to have planning get tattoo portrait of my 2 kids picture that I would go with upper arm for it on july 1st as well. so I m define want know wonder if it could customer tattoo can do make up 2 in 1 size like Large portrait picture of my 2 kids that also it would go with ink black/gray old fashion way what I want it. so I wonder how much cost for tattoo portrait size large plus black/gray is ??? If it is should ve guess how much cost is for tattoo portrait size Large upper arm is?

Should I continue with the effort to get in touch or should I just leave it?

i think you should text her and say "hey, hows things? i'm a little disappointed you didn't text last night. do you still want to meet up sometime? if so i think you should find a free day and stick to it because i'm getting kinda tired of you cancelling all the time" if she doesn't reply or says another date and cancels again, i would just leave it and get in contact with other old friends, good luck!

Huge possibility im pregnant?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

Gym everyday for over an hour but gaining weight!?

well if you were doing weight lifting you would be gaining muscle but your doing cardio and you should defiantly lose weight but don't get ahead and try to stick with a diet and no chocolate ..

My friend is taking muscle enhancement pills can they be addictive?

My friend keeps bying muscle pills and dietary supplement pills and they are all basicly the same thing but like 3 to 6 different kinds and he is buying them every month sometimes 2 times a month from the internet and depending on which ones he buys they cost any where from 50 to 200 dollars totaling after buying them all together when he buys them I'm affraid he is going to get addicted can you get addicted from these pills and he also just bought 3 differnt kinds a week ago and now they are gone so now he wants more please help and keep in mind this is 30 pills in one bottle for a month supply 60 in one for a month supply and 90 in another for a month supply so that's totaling 180 pills he was supposed to take in a month and took them in 5 days

Should I quit my job?

I work about 7 hours on Thursdays, then 12 hours on Saturday and another 12 on Sunday. I am 18, WAS about to go to college, but I was depending on a loan to go, buy got denied for it. So Plan B is to wait a year, and save up money to go. It's only 18k...I think I can manage that. But not with this job. I get paid 7.55 an hour. Do you think i can find better?

Chemically straightening hair help!!?

There are instructions in the perm box. But, really research chemically straightening because it killed my hair and caused it to break off at the same rate it was growing making it appear like it wasn't growing. Also, when I was chemically relaxed my hair was just straight and frizzy unless I flat ironed it. It does nothing for your frizz so be aware of that.

My Silver Seabright hen is crowing. Can hens crow? Or is this a rooster?

I just bought a 1 year old Silver Seabright Hen from a chicken breeder. I put her out with the rest of my hens. She started crowing. She looks just like my other Seabright hen. Why would she be crowing? Do hens ever crow?

Does he still LOVE ME? :( ***please i really need help***?

It's impossible to KNOW if he still loves you. It sounds like you guys have some thing to work out though. Why not take it slow, worry less about the word "love" and more time getting to know each other and work on the things that you have in common and don't. Love will grow, if it's meant to grow. Take it slow.

What are the most common Linux equivalents of MS-Paint? And what file formats do they prefer?

For example, if you tell MS-Paint to save a file, it will show the .bmp or .png filetype (depending on the version of Windows), which you can choose by default, or choose a different filetype. What filetypes would the Linux equivalents of MS-Paint choose by default? And what other filetypes do they allow you to choose? Do they have .png and .bmp?

Use dimensional analysis to show how the speed of a wave....?

...on a string of circular cross section depends on the tension in the sting, T, the radius of the string, R, and its mass per volume, p.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Opinion on Bucks Nights "Surprises"?

Im getting married in a years time and my fiancee and I got to talking about our hens and bucks nights. The usual drinking and partying come up, which Im fine with, but now he wants to go to strip clubs and such. I am totally against this, but he wont back down. I dont know what else to say, I feel its cheating and its a real deal breaker for me. Any help on talking to him about this, or opinions for me to consider to let this go/take it less seriously would really help!

Can I leave a solo boost pedal on for a whole song?

Not a stupid question at all. Generally you just want your lead to be a bit louder than your rhythm setting. If you like the rhythm sound you get with the tube screamer then you could just slightly roll back the volume knob on the guitar (which lowers volume and cleans up the tone a little) and then when you start to play lead just roll the volume on the guitar all the way up. Leaving the pedal on will not drown out the other folks, you can set the volume at any level you want regardless of whether or not the pedal is on.

Is it bad to hold in anger?

Yes, because eventually it will all boil out and you will go on a murder spree and end up dying in a fire fight between you and Mexican drug cartels in Tijuana.

Are the models in physics that work without the 2nd law of thermodynamics?

How do different models of physics (classical mechanics, newtonian physics, quantum physics etc) work with the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Are there models that work fine without it? Are there models that depend on it (i.e. that wouldn't make sense without the 2nd law)?

Where are USAF fighter pilots stationed or deployed?

My uncle was stationed in London. I don't know if it depends on every fighter. What are the most common places to be deployed/stationed for a USAF fighter pilot? What are least common places to be deployed/stationed for a USAF fighter pilot?

What is the name of this movie? It is about a mom who's memory got erased about her daughter ever being alive.?

I thought i was a jodie foster movie but i am not sure. I just remember that the lead charter was thought to be crazy because she knew she had a daughter but no one believed her. She ends up meeting a guy who had a son but did not remember but she helps him remember. The movie ends with the lady being in a warehouse and the aliens are mad because hs e just wouldn't forget and then they are pulled away yelling i just need more time (i think). But what is the movie called?

Life at gallaudet university?

I am a 19 year old girl, and I have been studying ASL for 4 years, part on my own, and part in school. I have gotten to collage level ASL2, and I am easily the top of my class. I took the ASL 4 final, just for fun, and I got an 84 %. This summer I am going to Gallaudet university to complete my ASL 3 and 4 classes. I am staying on the dorms, and besides that, I have no idea what to expect. I have a through understanding of deaf culture. I know a dew Deaf people, (mainly teachers), But are there any things I need to know? what is my daily life like? what are the dorms like? where do they put summer ASL students? will the people be friendly? are teachers Deaf? or hearing? will my dorm roommates be Deaf? or other ASL students like me? is it rude to talk on the phone while on Campus? when walking around campus hen I am dropped off by my hearing family members, should I try to sign and talk at the same time to them, out of respect for the other students? or should I just speak normally? how difficult are the classes? is there much homework? is their ASL 3 class at the same level as my community college ASL 3 class? anything else I should know? DETAILS PLEASE!! i WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING!!!

Eastenders: Why can't the writers get the timelines right?

It's like when Dot went out on Tuesday's episode and it was daylight then by the time she got home it was dark. Also, Tanya got married at daytime and heard about Max and Abi's accident then by the time she got to the hospital it was dark. I thought Jim got shipped off quite quickly and Whitney baked a cake in record time in Thursday's episode! Timelines are very flexible in Soapland I don't think they know the concept of having 24 hours in a day!

Am i pregnant? could i be pregnant?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

What do you think of these names?

I love all the names except for Jodie, which is OK just not something I would pick, and Chadwick which I honestly is a terrible name for a first or middle name...

Have you seen the new movie about HRH Prince William and Lady Catherine Middleton?

I really want to. But I have my druthers about the good taste and classiness of Hollywood versus the film making community i.e. Robert Redford,Spike Lee,Jodie Foster and so on. Sometimes H-Wood in its haste to rush a movie out to the world and the public has many train wrecks. But I am not a critic (they are paid) I give my opinion for free. Anyway I can only hope that this movie is kind to The Royal Couple. I was fortunate enough to have been an American living in Britain during the nuptials for Prince Charles and Lady Diana (HRM Princess Diana) in the eighties. I was a military kid attending RAF Lakenheath American School on RAF Lakenheath Air Base (I am also an alumni of RAF Lakenheath American school class of 1980). I cannot put into words what the wedding of Princess Di meant especially to the world. Even now as we approach the next greatest wedding that the world will ever see Prince William and Lady Kate. I was making this comment to one of mates in the UK AceWand. They and many of my mates will be in GB again for the Greatest wedding of the 21st century alas I will not this time. This time I will watch it on television or my computer in real time. However, I must have lost my invitation in the mail also(lol). Nevertheless i want to offer my best wishes and blessings on the Royal couple for a safe,long,loving and blessed union!!! And my God save the Queen and the House of Windsor.!

What is the best 24 hour passport service?

I need to leave the united states soon and I have a newborn. I need to make him a passport as soon as possible. There are so many companies out there. What company is the best one that I can depend on?

So why does michael jackson get so much stick, have you not seen pete burns?

i dont understand why michael jackson gets so much stick for his cosmetic sugery? people like jodie marsh, katie price.. go under the knife all the time and people dont say anything? fair enough michaels apperance really changed but so has pete burns and he doesnt get half the bad press michael does and i dont understand why? i dont understand why people care so much about his nose, do you care so much about katie prices boobs? he broke his nose and had an operation & even if he had no excuse to go under the knife, what business is it of ours and why do you care so much? even if he did bleach his skin, so what? do you see cherly cole, jordan & all the other girls slapped all over the front page because their skins turned an orange colour due to fake tan and sunbeds? no. perhaps micharl changed his apperance so much because he wasnt happy with himself - and who would be if they were subject to such media bullying. pete burns has had just as much, if not more surgery and although their have been stories about it, no-one seems to abuse him, he chose to do this to himself, looks completely different... michael gave reasoning behind his surgery everytime and the colour of his skin, yet no-one seemed to believe him because it wasnt printed in the newspaper.

What do you think of 6 illegals charged with cockfighting in DeSoto?

That's what they do in their country they're a bunch of uncivilized animals themselves. So why not bring their 3rd world culture here?

Teens: Can I fit into child sizes?

I'm a size 0 or 3 depending on the store. I'm 5'0 and 100 lbs. could I fit into child sizes if so what size converted?

My hen is sick! I'm worried.....?

So my Australorp hen is sitting in her nesting box, as she has for the last 3 days. She is at the topof the pecking order, so usually she is the one who gets all the food. She hasn't been eating anything, and she won't move. She just seems so drained of energy. I've placed bread and scrambled eggs right next to her, along with a bowl of water, but she's not eating/drinking. I know she isn't egg-bound because she layed an egg a few hours ago. What could be wrong?? Thanks in advance.

Is this a good essay introduction?

"Every society is based on different religious practices that are practiced by different people depending on their birth or by choice and every religion is similar and different with one another in terms of believes, rituals, and practices" or do you have any idea of how to re word it?

Is being a loner a bad life choice?

I have been fortunate to have had greatest friends anyone can ask for and being surrounded by people who care about me all my life,same goes for my love life too,but for some reason i always had this urge to not to get too close to anyone or emotionally depend on someone .I believe in helping people when in need and just moving on with my life not craving for any attachments.

How old should a dog be when neutered?

I tried googling how old a dog should be when they are okay for neutering, however it still says that it depends on the dog's breed. normally, they suggest before the dog gets sexually mature (i guess). Mine was born on 11th of May this year, do you guys think it's okay to neuter him by next month?

Which Names Do You All Like?

Coral Rae and Brooklyn Fae are the best, but I don't really like the matchy middle names and I'm not a fan of Brooklyn at all. I just don't really like any of the other names. I like Kate and Denae is pretty cute but I can't stand Nevaeh, Paisley, Jodie etc. I think Coral is really cute and you could shorten Brooklyn to just Brooke and Coral and Brooke sound cute together.

This or that? /girls names\?

Ami, Bethany, Carla, Danielle, Fiona, Gillian, Hannah, Isabelle, Jessica, Kirsty, Lauren, Melissa, Nicole, Orla, Paige, Qiana, Rachel, Sophie, Tara, Una, Vanessa, Whitney, Xenia, Yessica, Zara

Does my boyfriend like anther girl?

okay.... well my boyfriend william use to hag out with this girl name tania he told her every thing.. one day i thought i was pregnant and he told her. and i told him not to tell any body.. #2 he tol me he doesn't take pictures with any body but i was using his Phone and he had pictures of tania ad him together... and i told not to talk to her and hen he said he promise he wouldn't and then the next day e rends came up to me an said that they were sitting on the bleachers talking all period of p.e.. so then i confront him about it he said he didn't take me serious. so then i was taking about her and he called me her name twice i can understand the first time because we were talking about her but then 5 minutes later we were kissing i get up to get a drink of water and he says tania come back.. the he had anther girl name vanessa n his back and he admitted that he kissed her hair..

Anyone mind giving some advice about this guy I've been seeing?

From experience, if you can't feel comfortable then it's not worth it. Though it might still be too early on to get to the comfort level you might prefer. I say go with it until either one of you decides it's just not the best fit. That's how I've done it so far, and yeah I'm still single but it's because I'm so picky!

What are some good Jacqueline Wilson books?

Ok, so I love Jacqueline Wilson books, I have read quite a lot of them, I asked my mom to go with me next weekend to buy a book but I don't know which one to choose. I have read: Sleepovers, Bad Girls, Best Friends, The Dare Game, Double Act, The Illustrated Mum, Lola Rose, Midnight, The story of Tracy beaker, Vicky Angel, The Worry Website, The Diamond Girls, Girls in Love, Girls Under Pressure, Girls out Late, Girls in Tears, My sister Jodie, Kiss, Hetty Feather, Cookie, My Secret Diary, jacqueline's Twin Tales, and Longest Whale song. I know, it's a lot. :D

How long does it take you to read a novel?

obviously it depends on how many pages in the book but generally how long does it take you to read?? I think I read about 30 pages on hour.

My friends are bullying my ex friend and I dot like what they are doing, what do I do?

Its called being in high school. One day they will all grow out of it. (maybe most of them) and look back and see what bitches they were.

Chickens with lice help!!?

I picked some hens up recently and have discovered they are riddled with lice! Ive been treating them with louse powder and red mite powder but am getting nowhere! WHat am I doing wrong? Also would the lice stop them laying? (they only have the yellow lice not red mite just using that powder as a preventative) Is there an easier way to get rid of the lice than the powder?? Im in the uk and have 5 hens. Many thanks

What is the best way to make an inexpencive incubator?

I need an incubator for my hens eggs (she doesn't want to sit on them) and I need to know the best and cheapest way to make a good incubator

What does it mean when a guy kisses your neck while making out?

I've liked this guy for a while and he was over my neighbors house and i started flirting. he hugged me and kissed the top of my head then later on we kissed just like Little kisses we did hat like a bunch of times hehe and then we made out a few times hen her started kissing my neck and i really liked it he's gonna be 14 i'm gonna be 16 (Don't judge) so what does this mean

Are my hips wide? (ten points!)?

Good grief. You are not big at all. Just love your body for goodness sake and forget about your hips!

Why am I still angry at my friend for going out with my ex?

Why are you angry at your friend....wasn't he a participant too? Exes are just that and are free to date anyone. Plus you moved out of town. I think pride is the issue.

Clear/pinkish gooey stuff that comes out hen I pee?

I'm a 13 year old female and I don't know what this is? is this normal? I'm not on my period at the moment...

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Help me,am i bulimic?

ive thrown up like, 11 times hen ive messed up on my diet. my 13, 5'2" and 83 pounds. i ill throw up till bile comes out. i just feel so fat!!

I love Jodie Picoult. All my friends have something against her though.?

what do you think? they say that Picoult takes unethical situatuions and perversly turns them around so they seem just. I hear what they are saying but i think that she just DOES justify seemingly wrong ideas, giving over the message that there is so much more to life than meets the eye...agree or not??

Computer Help???????

My computer boots up just fine however there is a black screen. If you look very closely, you can see whats on it but its hard to see. Also, i can connect to another monitor or tv and hen i can see just fine however i can only do this in safe mode. Any ideas on whats going on?

Did that move about Leni Riefenstahl ever come out? The one with Jodie Foster?

I'm watching Jodie Foster on tv right now and it just reminded me that I read a long time ago she was doing a movie on Leni Riefenstahl but I never heard anything else about it. Whatever happened to this project?

Jodie from eastenders a retard?

She looks really retarded an talks like a retard she's like that lady that came to X factor what is wrong with her they talk so much anyways its that lady her name stacey solomon i think are they mentally disordered or something ?

B&A Readers: What do you think of the book ' My Sister Jodie' ?

Jacqueline Wilson is an amazing author, i had read nearly all her books. my sister jodie was probably my fave. i practically burst out crying when jodie died!!!!

What is the name of the mental illness that occurs hen someone thinks something is happening but it isn't?

...for instance, they think they are employed with the school district and are receiving a Teacher of The Year Award but they are really a cashier.

What color eyes will my kids have?

There is no way to tell since your statistics are all different anyway...all babies have blue eyes at 30wks of pregnancy and most carry that through birth, some change colors and some stay blue... other factors are not just your parents but your grandparents etc..just because your father has olive skin doesnt mean somewhere down the line your children can get fair skin from another relative and so on about hair and eye color Also consider what you looked like as children. My husband who is a twin has blue eyes and dark hair, I have green eyes (hazel really but almsot always green) and brown hair which was straight and I looked hawaiian until high school then it got super curly our kids have blue eyes and blonde hair (like my husband as a child) our son had blue eyes and now at 1 1/2 are turning from blue to green and has curly curly blonde there is no best guess scenerio for this except have a baby and see what they look like..each child may resemble each other but not all may have the same eye color hair color etc

Why do i do this when drunk please help?

i such an awful person hen i drunk i have a boyfriend that i love to but of 8 years, but when i really really drunk i flirt with other men and always get turned dwn thank god .i even pee the bed i ust cant control my self in any way ive tryed drinking less but when i drink its always at partys and you dont realize how much you drink i hate my self for this i love my family and dont want to break it down but if i carry on like this i wil, im bi polar type 1 could this have something to do with it ?

Help picking light weight but durable drumsticks?

i play metal and hard rock stuff. I want a stick that will allow me to play fast but are very durable. any suggestions? I like 5a and they hold up pretty well maybe it depends on the brand.. Vic firth maybe?

Does anybody think men suck nowadays?

Don't be so sexist, hate men and women equally:) And if you have hate left over why not move onto other species?

I just lost my virginity to the person i hate?

im 16 last night i got way over drunk, and i kept making out with alot of people my girl best friemds included. I kept making out with a certain guy best friend and apperently somewhere in the night, he stuck his penis inside me. W hen i found out i got pissed and kept asking him to do it again because it wouldnt be memorable. He kept refusing because he felt horrible. Then the cops came to my house and taked to my dad, and one of my friends got taken home by the cops. I am sooooooooo effing scared today for what my dads gunna say. And so last night i was really sad and drunk and i started texting the guy u hate because we had a thing in the past. We met outside after the cop came, and one thing led to another but we ended uo having sex. I got all these texts saying hes with a girl, and he feels like ***. What do i do? i cant stop crying about everything i really effed up i know. I feel like such a sl*t.

Will these degrees be enough?

I am currently in a Criminal Justice program. Its a Bachelor of Science: Criminal Justice-Forensic Investigations. Now the job I want to be able to pursue is a crime lab technician. I know that I need 4 years of either chemistry or biology (depending on which area I want to be in such dna, etc) Will the 4 years of science on top of the criminal justice degree be enough to be accepted for an internship or as a job as a crime lab tech?

Why are some guys so sexist?

I was just wondering why guys think they're so much better than women? I read this one paragraph about how women are not as intelligent, strong, etc. They also think that women that object to them are "jealous" of the superior male. I have a few valid points to make. Yes, SOME men are stronger than women but women CAN be stronger then man. Sure, Man can have more intelligence if they were taught more, but then again, so can women. It depends on what schools you go to and how your brain develops. I also heard that men believe, women can not handle pain. Referring to what I believe they were talking about was *physical* pain. Women have to cope with the pain of child birth which is a very painful process. Coping with physical pain does NOT make men superior. What about *emotional* pain? Not a lot of men can deal with their emotions or "feelings". Yes, throughout history, Men have been known for the best inventions and such but just because they're good at things does not make them the superior species. If men are so much better than women, why are women on the planet? Do any men come to realize with out women their would be no race? Same for women. We ARE equals. Whether you think of it or not, men could not survive with out women and vice versa. Just because men CAN be stronger or more intelligent does not make them better. Same for women. Why do men and women have to be sexist? I can't stand it when men think women are not their equals. I have talked to a few of my guy friends who agree that women are their equals because without each other the human race would die. What about that theory of girls maturing faster then boys? I don't think that theory is true either. Maturity is on how your raised. But if theory is based on the body maturing then still no. Boys and girls develop around the same time and at their own pace.

Is it legal in the UK for my best friends mum to do this?

If the police & social services have dropped the case then there is nothing she can do, if she tries anything you can report her to the police, she has no right to interfere, if she continues you can take out a court injunction to stop her - Good Luck.

What kind of bird should I get?

We are moving into a house that has a bird coop in the back yard we don't want it to go to waist because its really nice but we don't know what to put in it Ive heard chickens are to much work Guinea Hens are too noisy and ducks require water but there isn't room for little pool what else is there and don't say you dnt know because that's worthless to me thank you!!

How do I get over death of my pets?

all you have to do is(1) think of how many other pets you can get (2)write a poem about humans(only) thats how i got over it

What's that movie called...?

In the movie, there is a girl who is about to have a baby or has already had one. At the very beginning it shows her throwing up. On the subway, or something, she sees a chick leave her baby on it. It's a doll actually. The chick takes it home and a bunch of weird stuff happens. At one point, she believes that someone has broken into her house... and is running around the house and stuff. (it's actually herself sort of being mirrored) Anyway, I remember that she found this diary in her house (i think it's new) and eventually, she buries the diary. At one point, she throws the doll in the pool. But she takes it out. At the very end, she buries the doll. Her husband asks where their baby, who was born, I think, she says, "what baby?" And that's it. Does anybody know what this movie was called... I could've sworn Jodie Foster was in it but it doesn't seem like she was...

Does this sound like im having seizures to you?

Ok so last summer i was on vacation and we saw a big fireworks show. on the way to the hotel from there it was harder to breath and then i started shaking uncontroably. I could talk and i knew what was going on, but i couldn't stop shaking. it happened a lot that week and then when we got back it stopped for a few months until i watched the titanic. It all sarted again. it goes away in like about a half hour to 2 hours it really depends. after it happens i am really weak and tired. Just recently i went to a babysitting class and was there until lunch but then i got up to get my lunch and i grabbed on to my friend and told her i didnt feel good. i felt like i was and wasnt there like it almost felt like a dream. i was shaky but not uncontrlable. i went to the ER and they did blood test and gave me an iv and they didnt find anything wrong with me. then i went to dance and i felt almost like i had a fever and i got pale and felt that like dreamy feeling again but not as bad so i just left it alone and if someone asked i told them i felt feverish and thats it. i got home and i was soooo tired after that. do thhese sound like seizures to you?

Can you visit Mexican Border towns without Passport? Read Details Please!?

My mother swears she does it several times a year with nothing but a license and a birth certificate. Perhaps it depends on the town? By the way, this is driving from Texas Across the border. According to everything I read on the net, you need a passport. Have you ever gotten in without one?

Silkie chicken problem?

Okay, so, in our pasture we have 6 golden comet laying hens, and a pair of silkie chickens, one roster and one hen. the golden comets lay brown eggs and the silie lays vey small white eggs, today, i found a giant white egg. I dont know what layed it, but it dosent seem possible that she layed it. what do you think it is?

How common are double yolked eggs in backyard chickens?

This is not common. Do the birds have any access to pesticide tainted areas or tainted water supplies? I would not recommend eating the eggs if there were FOUR doubles in a row. It could just mean a high protein level in the hens but it's still not normal to have four in a row.

Eggs for a workout is this stupid ?

lol!! uhm well eating only eggs isnt a really good idea. buy protein drinks and hit the gym by lifting weights

How come gay women are not forced to come out?

Although being a famous person requires you to give up a certain amount of privacy, I think that they should at least have privacy in their sex lives.

What do you think of these girls names?

I dont rlly like flora freya felicity Diana Bonnie or Donna. Srry. Oh. Zara is so cool. I knew a girl named zaria. Thts cool too

Please Help me!!!!!!!?

I have a guy friend... we are good friends.... we share each and everything.....there is no secret with us....but yesterday he asked something with me and i am confused why he asked like tat. what he said is 'I feel that i am using you...Why do i feel like this?' this is what he asked wit me...we are good friends and we are not depending on each others...but the thing is whatever we do we share it and then do that work... do he feel like tat because we each and everything? i am not sure? Can you give me your advice please????

If you are allergic to regular hen eggs, are there any types of eggs that you can eat? (Ostrich, emu, duck)?

My mom is allergic to eggs and to chicken, and wants to know if she can eat or bake with others types of eggs.

How to model radiation cloud on a computer?

I'm a high school student with computer science experience, and I want to do a project simulating the movement of a radiation cloud, depending on three factors. What I'm thinking right now is having the user input these three factors (wind speed, etc) and drawing the radiation cloud a grid which represents a map of the world, then clicking a button to see how it moves. I would really like to figure out how to model this. Do I use an applet in Java or is there something a little more tailored to my project! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I need an anagram pen name for Jodie Alexander?

my friend keeps asking me to help her find an anagram site that will make a new name out of her name. if you know of a good anagram site, please share. otherwise, please help me find an anagram pen name for Jodie Alexander

Friday, July 15, 2011

Was John Hinckley the dumbest would be assassin ever?

Did he really think shooting Reagan would impress Jodie Foster and she'd start dating him? And how dumb do you think he feels now that it turns out Jodie Foster is a lesbian anyway?

Stuck between a rock and a hard place?

I'm 16 and I'm trying to get a job for the summer so I can pay for gas in my car because my parents can't pay for it forever. However, my mom is going to college right now and she doesn't have time to do anything around the house so she depends on me to do it and if I get a job then I can't do the stuff around the house. My parents pay for my insurance too so that's sort of like my allowance so i don't get money at all. I'm in a few things at school that continue through the summer so a part time is my only option and it takes up the rest of my time. WHAT SHOULD I DO!!!!?

Please rate and comment on my favourite GIRL names?

you have some cute names i like chelsea may its really cute and country i went with unique name for my three girls i have an aprela (a-pre-la) an addison and an ashia (like the continent) all A names. Whatever you choose good luck on your baby

What would happen to the ecosystem if 90 percent of the animals died?

if people were only able to keep cattle, pigs, and birds (as in geese, hens, ducks) alive? would the plants die as well? if say, wild animals were the first to go, what would happen next?

What is average shoe size for a male?

Just curious. I wear size 11.5-12s depending on the shoe and my dad wore 13s in whih I wonder where I fit in.

Is taking out student loans a good idea? Why or why not?

It depends on how much your tuition is, and I'm pretty sure the major doesn't matter since the tuition is a flat rate regardless of what major you choose. Taking out loans is unfortunately what most people need to do in order to go to college. The plus side is there certain student loans that don't make you pay until 6 months after you graduate from college and the interest rates are either non-existant or very low. Plus, it helps build credit which will be beneficial for you in the future when you want to buy a car/house. Hope this helps!

How come my bra size is so big but im clearly not as big as a topless model :S?

I'm a 32GG (uk size) in bras. I'm even spilling out of that a little! But everyone thinks that's huge! My bra off does look massive like my boyfriend takes the mick and can fit his head in one cup size lol, but people are really shocked when they find out what size I am because when you think of that size you think of jordan or jodie marsh etc- they look huuuge but apparently I'm the same size! I'm a uk size 10 usually, it depends though especially in tops as I have a very small waist and quite big hips so my wardrove can vary from size 8-14 in tops, but jeans I'm either 10/12. I'm 18 by the way.

How can I get over being insecure about my braces?

I have braces, and I'm scheduled to get them off in October, but it might depend. I really don't want to go back to school with these on, but I don't have a choice. So how can I stop being so insecure about them??

Can chickens, ducks and turkey live together?

i have chickens roosters and hens and i want to get turkeys and ducks do i have to be concerned about fighting and food differences? i know that size of the coop will need to be bigger for the turkeys but what about the ducks? and is there anything i need to know before i get the birds

How to upload my gmail acct from phone to laptop?

i am having to worst time to try and up load my current gmail account that i already have working on my Mobile phone with verizon i cant get anyone to help my set up the same account to my laptop with out losing all of my email,pictures everyone from my gmail/Verizon i don't want to start a new account because all of my important friends and family have this email plus and am perm disable so i really depend on my account to stay contacted to my outside World with my kids most of all PLEASE SOMEONE HELP you can either send help with instructions and or phone me at 530-295-0509 how ever my phone is set up not to let 800 or soliciting calls you can also send me a number to call with contact attached of who to ask for or help me thank you very i really need to get this done asap.i live in california thank you please lori murrish

Estimated cost of minor bumper damage on 1989 Volvo 740?

I think the best thing for you to do is to get ans estimate.Call some local collision shops and tell what you need,nothing more than to replace the bumper. Sorry but bumpers cannot be fixed.This is just a estimate, but probably around $200.00

How long will it take for eggs to hatch if they come off ebay?

just ordered some pekin BANTAM hatching eggs of ebay to put under our broody hen, will they still take 21 days or less? thanks guys:) xx

Are Cheryl Cole and Katie Price disliked in the UK?

I'm not from the UK, but Cheryl Cole and Katie Price seem to be pretty big celebs in the UK only, but apparently a friend told me they're infamous? Is Katie Price like the UK version of Paris Hilton? And I thought everyone loved Cheryl?! What about Jodie Marsh - is she another one? Let me know if I'm missing another infamous celeb from the UK! haha

Super Robot Taisen Z Hakai-hen not working?

My PSP is a PSP-3000 with 6.35 Pro-B7 cfw. When I started the game, after the game boot screen, the screen goes black and returns to the XMB with an error board "The game could not be started. (800200D9). How can I fix this problem? I really want to play this game. Thanks a lot.

Jodie Gladman I was wondering if you ever got your dress from Helene's Bridal in China?

I am getting married in Feb 2012 and I was going to order my gown now. I really need to find something out about this company.

Am i pregnant? what do you think?

my husband and i are trying to conceive baby #2. last period was on june 4. Had unprotected sex on june. 7 9 12 14 16 18 19 22 26 i ovulated from june 18-22 weird?? what are my chances of being pregnant? and also if i am pregnant when does implantaion bleeding occur, if i get it. i am 12dpo. i'm thinking of taking a pregnancy test on monday which will be15dpo which will be on monday, if no period of course. I had implantaion when i found out i was pregnant with my son. please let me know. really wanna be prego. i am not sure when i am suppose to get period so when should i take a pregnancy test? i am so anxious to know. been having cramps on and off. also is it true gender of baby depends on what days you have sex? also in sept i had very bad pains and went to the hospital and they did an ultrasound and catscan and they said i had an ovarian cyst on my right side. went to dr week after for check up and he said i had it and its gone. no surgery done or nothing. will that effect me get pregnant, or do i have a good chance of being pregnant? btw been feeling crampy on and off for the past couple days.

Which baby girl names do you like best?

Elyse Kinsey and Alaine Kinsey are my faves. Although I think you should spell it Elise, rather than Elyse. And I love how you spelled Alaine, it's really cute. I think I like Alaine Kinsey a bit more, though :)

What kind of engineer should i be?

I am 14 and starting high school in 8 weeks. I am a year ahead in math and kinda ahead in science depends how u look at it. During high school i will most likey be taking Algebra 2 Pre calc calc and calc 2. All IB. In science ill probably be taking biology chemistry environmental science and physics also all IB. Ever since i was little ive loved airplanes and stuff like that. I really like hands on building like i just finished MITY(look it up) Engineering class where we learned about electrical engineering and computer programing and built robots. I really enjoyed the building part but not the programing. Also im inrested in the environment but dont really want to specailize in it. Im thinking aerospace or mechanical bt im not sure. What do u Think?

Chester Races. What to wear help?

Going to Chester Races this weekend for my sisters Hen Do. What should i wear. . . i have been told to wear a Dress and Facinator as it is a posh affair but i dont know. Help me please

Has anyone got any good ideas for a hen night please?

Hi all I'm trying to arrange my hen night but am struggling as not sure what to do, I will have a wide range of ages with me celebrating, I know we all want to dress up but need ideas on what to dress up as and what to do to celebrate, all ideas will be welcome and I will appreciate any idea as I have just come to a bit of a standstill. Thanks in advance :-)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Brown "period" blood, please help!?

my period is usually very consistent, but this month it was a week late, hen when i started "my period" it was a thick brown type of blood, which ive never had before. i have never been pregnant nor do i have any symptoms, except maybe some cramping that doesn't last long, and my boobs are only sore when i push on them. though i do have unprotected sex daily, because i am trying to conceive. could all of this be a sign of pregnancy? please help!

Help what does my new parakeet ring colour mean?

i have just given a home to a very sweat parakeet , told it is a hen she has what looks like a closed ring not sure and her foot the colour is red with nothing on what does this mean . please i would love to be able to tell how old ps i live in uk suffolk thanks

Eastenders: A few questions for the fans?

I think it's because she feels sorry for how she shocked her own daughter with the revelation that Harry is not her real father, and she tried so hard to win her back as a daughter, so she never wants to let her go again. 2: I think they are pointless. They do nothing, and I really don't see them with any potential in them at all, and what really annoys me is that they axed Zsa-Zsa and Leon, yet kept these two. 3: I wouldn't say I like Syed, since he overreacts to everything, but you have to feel sorry for him, considering everything that's happened to him. 4: To be honest, I really don't care how Ronnie leaves, just as long as that miserable git is off my television screen. 5: I don't know what's happened to Whitney, they said it was the climax of the storyline, but I certainly don't think this is the last that we've seen of her.

Hatching eggs with no incubator or hen?

My hen won't sit on her eggs and I have no incubator so is there an way to hatch them with out those? Or make an inexpencive incubator? I have about 25 eggs now and I'm saving up money to take care of them. Please help.

What does it mean if a girl isn't responding? for girls?

There are lot of things to consider. She might not got the e-mail you sent to her. It happens a lot of time! Then she might under stress or huge problem so she didn't notice you. She probably noticed you but thinking of something. Try give her time and approach her in her best mood! :)

Is chapter three good?

I hope i can get some more of this book i am not one to really like books but so far i really am enjoying this one. such a cool book so far i wonder when you will finish it

What is the WORST song you ever heard (except for justin Bieber songs - i discovered someone worse!! sorry)?

F*ck you! I hate that song! That has to be the WORST song I've ever heard.. and I've actually gone to see Brokencyde live, once. Kim Kardashian's new 'song' (if that's what you wanna call it) is horrible, too. But I don't know anything that can surpass what 'Friday' has done to me. My ears have been r*ped of its ability to hear. Ugh.. now excuse me, while I go rid my ears of that sh*t by filling it with some Dead Kennedys.

Poems/Thank you for hen's do?

I don't know what a 'hen's do' is, and your writing is very hard to understand. If you want to write a thank-you note, simply write what you feel.

Is this girl interested in being more than friends or FWB with me?

(Im in Las Vegas, NV)..Before I start just so you can an idea on the spyche of myself & the girl I am 20 years old & she is 22 years old. (Both mature for our ages). Anyways, this girl has moved in across the street from me with her parents from Washington state. She says she was with a room-mate before moving in with her parents in Vegas for a couple of months. One day she decided to come over & introduce herself because my friend was standing outside my house and saw her having car trouble and laughed at her. So she came over to say Hi. Then he told her that it was my house & she wanted to meet me. Since that day, which was about a week ago we've kinda been hangin out a lot and texting. I go to her house & we swim & tan together & stuff like that. ya know. getting to know one another. So yesterday she came over & we ended up laying in my bed talking. Eventually we started to kiss, touch eachother, & really start the foreplay. Everytime I would try to touch her "down there" she would say no in a teasing manner. After about 2 hours of kissing & touching she had to go home for a bit to help with things around the house. Well, we began talking via text and here's the convo: ME-"I already miss you lol" HER-"Lol you're too nice to me" ME-"I just don't think you've ever met someone like me. I'm nice to everyone..But you are different..special to me" HER-"I shouldn't be though" ME-"I'm sorry, I can't help how I feel. You are a very special person and I really cant believe you dont see it. I think we met for me to make you realize that :D" HER-"It's not that..I just dont think I should mean that much to you.. theres a lot you dont know about me and if i tell you you'll leave" ME-"You dont even know that, Ashley. I'm not a shallow person, I don't and will not ever judge a person ever, it's wrong. I dont know what it is you think will make me run, but I can contest and say you're wrong. I really like you and I am interested in furthering our bond. I think we get along great, I dont want you to feel obligated or forced to tell me anything, because I respect you and your boundaries, However, something I've learned was.. What hurts the most? Regret saying something you wish you hadnt? Or regret saying nothing you wish you had? One thing I'll tell you honestly is: You are a very beautiful person inside and out to ME!.. If I wasnt in anything for the long run I wouldnt have started to bond with you the way we have been." HER-" :-/ " ME-"Whats that face for?" HER-"Okay, well I stopped you earlier for a reason.." ME-"Would you rather come over and talk to me?" HER-"uhm not really cuz ill feel more stupid and embarrassed telling you in person" ME-"Please ashley. please dont feel stupid or embarassed.. you dont even know ME, or what kind of man I am.. come over??" HER-"I cant tell you to your face..I wont be able to, ill freak out.." ME-"okay text me, ill respect what you feel comfortable with. I just hope you'd tell me if you werent into talking to me anymore. :(" HER-"And depending on what you say determines whether I'll come back" HER-"Remeber when you said you're not shallow and dont mind diseases? I hope that's true :(" ME-Thats 100% true Ashley!! I realize how difficult it is to tell someone that, and I couldnt imagine what you are feeling right now. Here's one thing about me you should know: Having a disease doesn't change one thing! You are still and always will be who you are. And thats what Im into. Im into YOU, your soul, and your heart. Your the girl who I see across the street who makes me smile.. The girl who steps outside the front door and lights up the whole block in MY eyes.. Your the exact person I've been waiting to meet. I really want to continue talking to you, bonding with you and seeing you. I want you to be able to tell me anything. Im not walking the other way." HER-"Your telling me you would still sleep with me knowing I have a disease(thanks to my asshole ex) that you can possibly get.. even though im careful...but still.. ME-" So that doesn't change my mind about you Ashley. I wish I could just kiss you right now and tell you that it doesnt matter to me. I accept you for you..and all who you are." HER-"You're too nice :-/" ....END OF CONVO!.. About an hour after the end of the conversation she came over. We sat in the living room & watched a movie, then she wanted to go into my bedroom. We went in, layed on the bed and started to fool around. You know, wrestle a bit, and just being playful but in a sexy manner. Long story short we ended up having sex. Unprotected sex.. Please don't give me ****, it wont bother me at all, I know what I want.. Im NOT naive!.. After that night i kinda to

College Paper: Why is there such a difference of feelings regarding ancestral slavery depending upon the race?

Some races think they were the only ones to have ever been slaves,they have nothing else to fuss about and blame faults on

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can it work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is recently unemployed but was working up until 2 months agoa) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. (He does NOT know this though) He also became the guardian of his 3 - 4 year old nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him (being more wary of who he dates)? For the relationship? It isn't really about age just where we are in life. I feel like he'd want someone more on his level/age. :/ What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

Attributes for a high school varsity DE/OLB?

Im going to be a sophomore, im 15. And i work hard for football, but still need to achieve more s always. Height- 6'1" Weight- 178lb(working on it) 40 time- 5.2 (working on it) Bench max- 225lb (sometimes up to 240lb and sometimes down to 215lb, depends if i stay with it) Squat max- 255lb (just started actually consistently doing these) im a strong side OLB/ DE. whats your opinion on my stats? and whats good to you? or what are yours? I do realize stats are NOT everything. depends how you play. with heart.

What would you do if you were in my position?

I fail to understand why your father does not want you to study aboard anymore under the assumption that your bisexuality will disappear or that bisexuality is chosen, or that the claim that he is a politician has anything to do with the issue. Is he holding you back from studying abroad until your bisexuality vanishes and you choose to be heterosexual again? If so, nevertheless, if I were in your position, I would pretend to choose to be heterosexual until I am completely independent.

What do you think of these baby girl names?

I like Molly without the Nicole and Alana without the Rose. I also prefer Sophia to Sophie. I like Alana Nicole and possibly Sophia Elizabeth

URGENT: hen limping help help!!?

My hen started limpin today! She can't put down her foot and it hurts when she tries to step. In berry worried because it looks like it hurts!! Help please

How is my NBA 2K11 fantasy draft team?

LOL on a regular system your team would suck. Your entire bench would be below level 70 also. You would probably finish with a 34-47 record with your beasty team.

How far can a fighter jet go on fuel?

just curious, I was thinking about Stealth Bombers, Stealth Fighters, F-22's, F-16's or F-18's. I know it depends on the amount of weapons its caring, but with a full tank of fuel and no bombs, how far can they travel, distance, miles.

Why hens cant fly though they have broad wings ?

not only hens,birds like peacock and ostrichs cant fly even they have broad wings...why? Thanks in advance..

VTECH... possible Natl Title Contenders?

If you take one good look at VTs schedule this year, its the easiest one they have had in years. Then take a look at some of the films of the new QB Logan Thomas in the spring game. It looks like this could be the year that Beamer gets over the hump. It will depend on many things but does anyone agree that they are a dark horse at the Natl Title?

Word problem I am having some trouble with could someone help please?

Jodie bicycles 8km/h faster than Javier. In the same time it takes Javier to bicycle 33km, Jodie can bicycle 57 km. How fast does each bicyclist travel?

Is Eating 5 Eggs Every 3 Hours 6 Times a Day For a Week a Bad Idea ?

Go with your plan BUT, you're gonna have to do more than eating eggs. Lift weight for the upper body, and do pushups and author daily, no whining or moaning. ALSO, do not get discouraged if you don't see any difference in your body within the first couple weeks. It will take more than 2 months for a substantial difference to show, so the sooner you start the better! I suggest making an alarm that gies off every day to remind you to do all these things. Good luck with the girls!!! ;)

Im in air force rotc, and im having trouble getting my flight motivated for pt. any ideas or jodies?

Make PT something different. I am active duty in Afghanistan and two days ago we played Dodgeball believe it or not. It is exercise. Any sport is good for that. Have stretching and light muscle exercises before you play and after as a way t o work in the normal routines.

Does the quality of sound change with different models of iPods?

For example, would you get a much better sound with a classic or touch than you would with one of the tiny square ones? Or does it just depend on the quality of the headphones?

My silkie hen just laid her first egg, how regularly will she lay?

I have 6 silkie hens, they are all about 6 months old. yesterday morning i went to go let them out into the yard to discover an egg. How often will she lay? also i don't know which hen it is that started to lay. is there anyway to find out? Thanks x

Broody hen with duck and chicken eggs?

Ok here the situation, I live in Tucson where the temp is hitting over 100+ daily, I got a broody hen with 5 chicken eggs and 4 duck eggs. Sense the chick are going to hatch in 21 days and the duck aren't due for 35 days, what happens when the chick hatch and the duck are still developing. Will the hen keep sitting on them or should I move them to a incubator? ( what temp and humidity does the incubator need if I move them?)

How do you splint a duckling's leg?

I was moving my duckling's to a hen house (i was holding them in my hands) and then all of a sudden i heard a crack in one of the duckling's legs. This happened to my other duckling and it died. I don't want this to happen to this duckling!!! This is the first time we've ever had duckling's so we don't have alot of experience. I don't know how to splint a duckling's leg or do anything of those things. Please Help me out!! He/She's only 9 weeks old so i don't know if that will make a difference!!

I am a 21 year old college junior, he is a 27 years old with a child. Can our relationship work out?

I really really like this guy. He has a great personality and we definitely have a connection. I want it to work, but I'm not sure if he'd want to be in a relationship with me. I recently turned 21 and he recently turned 27 ... I am still working on my undergrad (have three more semesters) while he recently finished his masters (he is currently unemployed) Financially, there is no problem as my dad is the CEO of a certain somewhat nationally known company... I don't want to depend on my dad, of course, but he can definitely count on me if he needs anything. He also became the guardian of his nephew a year ago. This doesn't bug me as I have a really big family and I like kids! But would that be a problem for him (being more wary of who he dates)? For the relationship? What are some ways to assure him that he has nothing to worry about and that it can work out despite our ages and where we are in life?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

More calories when you exercise?

I am 16, 5 ft 3 in tall. I weigh 104 lbs. I normally eat about 1200 calories a day. I used to eat less but I know you shouldn't. I go to the gym about 5 to 6 days a week. I burn 500 - 600 calories in cardio. Because of this, I am suppose to eat more calories right? I want to maintain my same weight, so the goal is to stay fit, not lose weight. What would be a good average amount of calories to eat when I exercise? I know it all depends on the person, but, maybe a guideline? Thank you!

Are Indian Runner ducks normally temermental?

I have two indian runners, 3 rouen ducks, 3 hens and 1 rooster. The male indian runner is a giant butt to all the other birds. He wont let the 3 rouens eat or get near the pond and he's quite evil to the chickens. Is this normal?

Chickens & Ducks: Is it possible?

OK. I want to breed different breeds of chickens and ducks,I don't want to pen them all seperately, and I was just wondering if this is possible. If I rear a roo with two other hens from when they were little, will they, if I let them into a yard with other roos and hens, breed with only their "flock" (the three of them). Same with ducks. Will they go into a flock and only breed with the birds within their own flock?

Does he still have feelings for me?

Me and this guy are great friends, we talk a lot at school and when we carpool to a competition. I could tell that he liked me because he would try to hold back a smile when I look at him and he teases me not in a hurtful way. His brother is more immature so I naturally talk to his brother more but hens very serious and stuff. I like him too. Then after school ended I still saw him a meets and practice And we carpooled a few times but he started to become more natural or calm when I'm around. I think that boys are more nervous around girls they like but they are just normal when they are just their friend. he started acting less nervous around me and we just talk like normal friends. I still have a crush on him but what's happening? Why is he acting different around me now and does he still like me?

Why is EastEnders so awful at the moment?

I cannot stand it at the moment. Too many annoying characters I couldn't care less about, ie. Heather, Jodie, Jack, etc. The characterisation and day-to-day writing is just awful. Bryan Kirkwood is to blame ;)

Direction of Electric Field. Conceptual Question?

You are absolutely right. You see, electric fields are designed with a + charge point of view. They represent the path a + charge would take. And yes, if they were designed using - charges as test subjects, the fields will have opposite directions. The direction of the fields don't depend on source but the charge for which you are drawing them. But the standard is for + charge so all you have to do is remember that + charge move in direction of the fields and - charge go opposite to them.

Is it bad to walk away?!?

okay.... well my boyfriend william use to hag out with this girl name tania he told her every thing.. one day i thought i was pregnant and he told her. and i told him not to tell any body.. #2 he tol me he doesn't take pictures with any body but i was using his Phone and he had pictures of tania ad him together... and i told not to talk to her and hen he said he promise he wouldn't and then the next day e rends came up to me an said that they were sitting on the bleachers talking all period of p.e.. so then i confront him about it he said he didn't take me serious. so then i was taking about her and he called me her name twice i can understand the first time because we were talking about her but then 5 minutes later we were kissing i get up to get a drink of water and he says tania come back.. the he had anther girl name vanessa n his back and he admitted that he kissed her hair.. and then i found anther picture of her in his phone yesterday. and i know i've done my fault but then he trays to get me mad a purpose he got mad at me because i didn't want have sex... so the like he says stupid crap like oh you don't care about me you still have feelings about other people when he knows damn right that we've been threw allot and he should trust me.. and so when he says stupid **** ;ike i don't want to de all with the fighting because we do it all the time so i walk away... and then he tells me not to do something i don't do it then he gets mad at me later for not doing what should i do im confused

What type of statute of limitations will be enforced if I'm sued for copyright infringement?

I downloaded a few music and video files from limewire a few years ago. If I'm sued for copyright infringement would the discovery rule or the injury rule be applied when it comes to the statute of limitations. I downloaded the files about 4 years ago. Should I be concerned that the statute of limitations won't begin until the discovery of the infringement, or am I in the clear? By the way, I live in Pennsylvania. I'm not sure how much the laws vary depending on which state you live in.

Got a buy 2 get 1 free deal at a local game store, wondering what should i buy?

gonna spen 20 bucks or less so wat should i get may go higher it all depends, ill take any suggestions, heres the games i already played or got....Battlefield BC2, Alien VS. Predator, fable 3, rockband 1 and 3, call of duty modern warfare 2 and black ops, gta iv with expansions, borderlands, red dead redemtion, medal of honor, bioshock, halo wars halo 3 and odst, halo reach, looking for xbox 360 games,

Why do people deny my ninja skills?

Listen up, Mate. It's really cool that you can do all that great stuff without any formal training, I suppose, especially the one with the jars, but you can't earn a livelihood with your ninja abilities... You may use your abilities to help others or entertain yourself, but I think that your mother is right in saying that you need a real job to earn for your family. But on the other hand, I want to sympathize with you for it's really wrong of people to not respect your abilities and give you space to hone them. So keep in touch with your Ninja side while you make your family proud!

Why do teens get turned on by everything!?

Like girls, guys everything! Like, I dunno I'm straight but I get turned on by boys and girls. It really depends what kind of mood I'm on. But why, and why both?

Am im being too mean? please read!?

me and my husband live with his father because he cant live by himself so were living with him, my husband told me it is just temporary and it has been a year so far. his father pays the gas, electricity ,the cable and he gives 300 a months for food my husband just pays rent. the problem is that he is messy and nasty he would go to the bathroom and never wash his hands , we have to make him food or else he doesn't eat. when my husband goes out he always ask me hen is he coming where is he like if my husband was a little boy. and just now i made me and my husband food and when i was eating my husband was like '' so you make food for us but not for my dad''.. i got so mad that i went to the bedroom and told him to sleep on the plaining on telling him that im leaving to a shelter with our baby

How long do you wait to receive payment on ebay...?

before you contact the buyer? Its been 3 days now and I was kind of depending on the money I made off the item as its quite a lot and, I'm going away in a few days. How long do I wait before I send them a message requesting payment?

Would not seeing my girlfriend cause any problems? How often do you guys see your girlfriends?

Ok so how often do you guys see your girlfriend? I don't see her often and its not like she lives far away shes just always busy. I see her once like her every two weeks and maybe I would see her in a week sometimes. I don't know if not seeing my girlfriend would cause a problem, or it would depend if shes ok with not seeing me as often.

Will hen take over other hens partly developed eggs if she abandoned the nest ?

I found my hens nest she has been on a while I found it out in the pasture I brought her and her eggs in and she won't get back on. I put my dads hen In the nest will she adopt them?

Names for my character?

she's a foster child and shes just turning fifteen or fourteen. She's quite rude, straight to the point and she lies to try and fit in. She has dark brown hair and in the story her mum died when she was just 1 week old of cancer, and her dad did a runna a long time ago. then when she moves to a new school, she falls in love with a young teacher and at the end of the story finds out its her dad! :O anyway, her name is Jodie at the moment, but do you think it should be a bit more special? unique? x

Dropped phone in toilet still works but has some glitches ... any help please? it will be very appreciated/?

i dropped my phone in the toilet on accident, i was able to get it out quickly dry most off and turn it back on it still works but it has some glitches . its the samsung intensity one and when i read a message quick text comes up and wont let me leave it to read the message and hen i go to a menu the scroll moves by itself without me pressing the arrow keys i have it in rice now but what should i do ?

How does a hard drive write data?

It would right to every platter at the same time depending on how the manufacturer broke up the sectors. It will start with sector 1, then 2, then 3 and so on. Its up to the manufacturer where on the platters to put the individual sectors.

What kind of clothes look good on curvy girls?

I'm looking for clothes that won't make me look fat. i'm not fat, but i'm curvy (size 5-7 in bottoms, small-medium in tops, depending on the store), and i dress kind of tomboy-ish, mixed with punk kind of (i now wear band t-shirts and shorts, and a pair of DC's). What are some clothing styles that would look better on me?

So I'm Preggers name?

I love Anastasia but Brynn or Astra seem to plain for a middle name to anastasia lol also i like jason but aiden is a first name so it doesnt really flow with any of the names as a middle name.

Do I go with my heart or do I go with my mind?

I am so confused and need desperate help. I am a 23 yr old married woman to a man that is what any woman could ask for. Great personality, caring, dedicated, but the main problem that he has is that once we went from a relationship to marriage everything changed. He stopped caring for himself to be with me 24/7. I feel like Im choking and unable to do anything on my own other than work without him being there all of the time. He stopped dressing nice, began to gain weight, and worst of all stopped being confident and independent. Everything had to be under my decision. He could not make decisions on his own. I feel miserable getting home when all we do is argue about everything. Its like things go in one ear and out the other. I was rushed into this marriage by the persuasion of my parents. All they want is stability for me. Find a man that can give me what they never had which is understandable but my philosophy is also that you have to be able to love the person deeply as well. I know that love does not pay bills but I would rather be happy and broke than rich and miserable. I will go to school and finish my career. I want to make money on my own and not depend on anyone. Now my worry is that I am stuck in the middle and do not know what to do. I care for this guy believe me I do, but I am not in love with him. Never was... I feel awful and even though I have told him this he still does not accept it and continues to ignore my feelings just to have me in his life. I am beautiful and hes told me that he is lucky to be with me because typically a man like him never date or nevertheless marry a woman as beautiful as me. I am not all there with him. I want to make myself love him just as he loves me but I cant, and not him or my family can not understand any of this. They keep ignoring me and thinking about stability. Now my main dilemma is that I am beginning to have a crush on someone else. Someone that is wonderful inside and out as well. Every time we go to work outings people always say that we look cute together or how long have we been together...etc... and that makes me more attracted to him. I will not cheat, so physically nothing will happen. I do not know what to do!? I am so confused. My friends always tell me to follow my heart but that means for me to go and live with roommates and hurt someones feelings (husband).

EastEnders: Is Zainab a villain?

zainabs character is so much better when she is actually being nice! but when she turns in to a ***** she annoys me. masood also annoys me. i love how tamwaar has turned in to a bad boy now though. bet his character isn't so boring to act now!

Life at Gallaudet university?

I am a 19 year old girl, and I have been studying ASL for 4 years, part on my own, and part in school. I have gotten to collage level ASL2, and I am easily the top of my class. I took the ASL 4 final, just for fun, and I got an 84 %. This summer I am going to Gallaudet university to complete my ASL 3 and 4 classes. I am staying on the dorms, and besides that, I have no idea what to expect. I have a through understanding of deaf culture. I know a dew Deaf people, (mainly teachers), But are there any things I need to know? what is my daily life like? what are the dorms like? where do they put summer ASL students? will the people be friendly? are teachers Deaf? or hearing? will my dorm roommates be Deaf? or other ASL students like me? is it rude to talk on the phone while on Campus? when walking around campus hen I am dropped off by my hearing family members, should I try to sign and talk at the same time to them, out of respect for the other students? or should I just speak normally? how difficult are the classes? is there much homework? is their ASL 3 class at the same level as my community college ASL 3 class? anything else I should know? DETAILS PLEASE!! i WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING!!!

How do I get more sperm to come out of my penis?

This is a hugely embarrassing question but I've seen men ejaculate an ungodly amount of sperm and I usually do about a palm full or less. I was just wondering how do I get that much sperm to come out of me? Is there a pill or some medicine that makes it happen or does it depend on the person, like everyone different? I'm wondering how this happens more than wanting to do it that's all.

What do y'all think of my NBA 2011 Playoffs bracket?

you overestimate OKC SAS beats em in 5 your east is good but your west is different than mine which has DAL in 7 over LAL then DAL over SAS than CHI over DAL

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Why wont my hens lay eggs?

I bought 3 Rhode Island Red hens, all about a year or so old. They won't lay. I have no idea why, their shed isn't really hot, they have all fresh straw. They always have feed and water available. I also have nest boxes for them as well. I've had them for 2 weeks. When I bought them, the lady selling them told me that they are already laying.. Is there something I'm missing?