Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What would you do in my situation? please help?

there is this guy that lives 4 houses away from mine. when i first met him, he was very polite and even though he asked for my number he didn't hound me like most guys in my neighborhood do. hen i would refuse to give him my number he would just say thats alright and go his own way. well one day i gave him my number and we started texting (i usually initiate the texts). after some times i started thinking about him alot romantically but he never asked me out. one day i saw him on the way back home and he asked for a hug after we hugged i was leaning away and his lips brushed mine and we ended up kissing. the problem is, i didn't feel any spark at all, it was actually just weired (nothing like the kisses i had shared with my ex or other guys before). now i don't know what to do about him. should i stop seeing him or just tell him. the truth is, i don't feel any emotions for him more butterflies or anything of that sort. is this normal. i am so confused. if you were in my shoes what would you do. i am 19 if that counts and a die hard romantic.

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