Saturday, July 16, 2011

Does this sound like im having seizures to you?

Ok so last summer i was on vacation and we saw a big fireworks show. on the way to the hotel from there it was harder to breath and then i started shaking uncontroably. I could talk and i knew what was going on, but i couldn't stop shaking. it happened a lot that week and then when we got back it stopped for a few months until i watched the titanic. It all sarted again. it goes away in like about a half hour to 2 hours it really depends. after it happens i am really weak and tired. Just recently i went to a babysitting class and was there until lunch but then i got up to get my lunch and i grabbed on to my friend and told her i didnt feel good. i felt like i was and wasnt there like it almost felt like a dream. i was shaky but not uncontrlable. i went to the ER and they did blood test and gave me an iv and they didnt find anything wrong with me. then i went to dance and i felt almost like i had a fever and i got pale and felt that like dreamy feeling again but not as bad so i just left it alone and if someone asked i told them i felt feverish and thats it. i got home and i was soooo tired after that. do thhese sound like seizures to you?

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