Saturday, July 16, 2011

What color eyes will my kids have?

There is no way to tell since your statistics are all different anyway...all babies have blue eyes at 30wks of pregnancy and most carry that through birth, some change colors and some stay blue... other factors are not just your parents but your grandparents etc..just because your father has olive skin doesnt mean somewhere down the line your children can get fair skin from another relative and so on about hair and eye color Also consider what you looked like as children. My husband who is a twin has blue eyes and dark hair, I have green eyes (hazel really but almsot always green) and brown hair which was straight and I looked hawaiian until high school then it got super curly our kids have blue eyes and blonde hair (like my husband as a child) our son had blue eyes and now at 1 1/2 are turning from blue to green and has curly curly blonde there is no best guess scenerio for this except have a baby and see what they look like..each child may resemble each other but not all may have the same eye color hair color etc

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